пятница, 2 марта 2012 г.

NSW: Investigator admits reservations

NSW: Investigator admits reservations

The investigator whose report led to the dismissal of a Catholic choirmaster has admittedhe had reservations about the credibility of the choirboys who made child sex abuse allegationsagainst their master.

Solicitor JOHN COOKE was engaged by St Mary's Cathedral in Sydney to investigate theallegation that choirmaster DAVID RUSSELL walked in on two boys being molested by convictedpaedophile DAVID O'GRADY, but did nothing about it.

Today at Mr RUSSELL'S unfair dismissal hearing, Mr COOKE told the NSW Industrial RelationsCommission he had concluded it was probable that the events could have occurred.

However he admitted the many inconsistencies in the two boys' written statements gavehim reservations.

Mr COOKE says he questioned a victim for about 20 minutes over the phone.

He told the court he had not thought to question O'GRADY about what had happened orto read the evidence the paedophile gave to court during his criminal trial over the matter.

The hearing continues.

AAP RTV kbw/wz


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