NSW: Pigs to fly daily at Sydney Royal Easter Show
By Caroline Adam
SYDNEY, April 9 AAP - Australia's own Miss Piggy will lead a pack of athletic porkersin proving pigs really can fly at this year's Sydney Royal Easter Show.
The nation's only team of racing and diving swine will perform four times a day onOlympic Boulevard - one of the central features of the annual event.
Nine pigs will race around a 36-metre track while the talented Miss Piggy dives offa platform into a pool of water.
This year the show celebrates its 180th birthday with one million people expected topass through the Sydney Showground gates at Sydney Olympic Park from April 11-24.
The show's perennial popularity owed much to its uniqueness, Royal Agricultural Societychief executive Roger Perkins said.
"It is not just the largest single event that occurs in Australia every year, it'san icon - it's something that people look forward to," he said.
He said people of all ages had fond memories of the show.
"When they're a grandmother bringing their grandchildren they can remember when theycame to the show (as children), and it all looks the same."
But innovation was just as important as tradition, and striking a balance between thetwo was integral to the event's success, Mr Perkins said.
This year the show will feature more than 16,000 animals and 35,000 entries in 40 competitionsincluding cattle, horses, arts and crafts, horticulture and district exhibits.
Surprisingly, the drought had barely affected the quality or quantity of the ruralexhibits and produce, Mr Perkins said.
He attributed the high standards to the recent rains and the resilience of rural people.
Among the 249 types of showbags on offer will be the Lord of the Rings, the Harry Potterand the Bob the Builder showbags.
Daily entertainment will include the production Jemma - Spirit of the Outback, thepackhorse race Drovers' Run, the Showtime International Freestyle Moto X riders and extremesports act urbanKorruption.
The Crazy Coaster, a new spinning rollercoaster ride, and the new Free Fall ride forkids, will feature alongside all the old favourites.
Archie, the nation's tallest horse, will make a five-day appearance.
Mr Perkins said crowds were expected to be up on last year's record 903,000 people.
Transport NSW is offering Showlink tickets, which combine bus or train fares with entryto the show.
Tickets to the show cost $23 (adults), $18.50 (concession) and $14.50 (children betweenfour and 15 years).
AAP ca/nf/kim/de
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