пятница, 2 марта 2012 г.

Set in the beautiful and welcoming surroundings of Parkanaur Forest Park, the training, education and residential facilities at Parkanaur College are located in a modernised manor house dating back over 200 years.

Set in the beautiful and welcoming surroundings of ParkanaurForest Park, the training, education and residential facilities atParkanaur College are located in a modernised manor house datingback over 200 years.

The college sports a range of student-driven, fully equippedmicro-businesses as well as fully supported, homely residentialfacilities.

Parkanaur College offers four main fully accredited vocationaltraining areas. These include Business Administration, Catering,Horticulture and Upholstery, delivered by qualified and experiencedstaff.

All students experience a 12-week sampling period followed by thedevelopment of a person-centred training and development plan.

Training and education takes place in association with therange of micro-businesses, providing students with practical,business-focused skills followed by a work placement in one of thelocal enterprises.

Further to these core areas, other courses include InformationTechnology, British Sign Language, XL Programme, and EssentialSkills. Extra curricular activities include catering, swimming, recreational dance, bowling, photography, drama, golf andbasketball.

Parkanaur College is supported by a team of 30 trained andsympathetic careers providing 24-hour individual care.

Residential facilities are fully kitted out with hoists and liftsand are fully accessible to wheelchair users. Students have accessto a specially designed, fully fitted kitchen facility which ispurpose-built for the needs of the student group.

A recreation room equipped with a TV, computers, monitoredinternet access, pool and snooker facilities is also available.

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